Realization of a dream

It leaves if compelled

The day which came at last and which F1 drives

First of all, it is from F3

The F1 drive seen in the dream

Moreover, I want to drive


Moreover, it drive on F1.

F1 drive that day

It arrives at a circuit

The 2nd F1 drive

The F1 drive which is not made into the last


The decision of the 3rd F1 drive

It leaves for the trip of the 3rd F1 driving

For three days of Paris

It is among an uncommon way until it reaches.

still more instantly-F1 drive- goes out for a team 

An instruction is received from former F1 driver by man to man.

First of all, the body is accustomed by F3..

Lunch is a restaurant in a circuit and is a Viking.


F1 briefing

F1 course in

In cockpit

Start engine

Course in

Dream come true

At the last


Realization of a dream

The Renault birth centennial, a Michelin  BIVA centennial, the 50th anniversary of the Honda birth, and I will also celebrate the 50th anniversary of birth next year. Although anything is unrelated, the report which realized the F1 650H.P. drive only [ whose ] was the dream after visiting the France AGS team made to drive, and my having served since the graduation from a Jim Russel International racing school in 1972 F1 in the world will be introduced in 1998 using a late summer vacation.

About AGS F1 team of , it knew with the report of the foreign journalist of a certain F1 informational magazine at the time two years ago (1996). instantly -- connection -- also taking -- the address and the telephone were unfamiliar, when given up no connection and the middle, there is an opportunity to go France in December, 97, I had the friend of a spot investigate by carrying out of searching that, and AGS F 1 team and contact were able to be taken However, the operating start was a thing from April, 98 because of the off-season. The spur started embodiment of the F1 drive given up halfway, it exchanged several times after the homecoming, and connection of "October 6, F1 drive acceptance, and O.K." was received by the end of this year (April, 98).

AGSF1 team of marched out 1983F1, and Ivan Capelli, Pascal  Pabre, and Roberto Moreno drove them, and they obtained the 6th place of the first point of winning a prize by Australia GP in 1987. Gabriele Tarquini won the 6th place of winning a prize in Mexico GP in 1989. The Cyril Louvre which is the entrepreneur of France after that bought AGS, and the team could not leave the results which build a factory and a circuit at gonfaron of the Provence district in South France, move headquarters, and continue Formula 1 race activity , but withdrew 1992F1 participation in the war.
however, the passion of owner, Director Jean Luc Poe, or staff-- "RACING DRIVER FOR A DAY" and -- there is nothing, and an adherent is opened and F1 machine is made to drive from the inside of the world

It leaves if compelled.

Narita Airport was left on October 1 and it went to Paris straight. It is the beginning of realization of a dream after this. It became around 6:00 p.m. on October 1 of local time to have arrived in back Charles de Gaulle Airport of the air route of 11 hours in arrival and the hotel in Paris. We decided to go to a nearby pair instantly, to purchase cheap wine and a cheap bucket, to return to the room of a hotel, and to elaborate the plan for ten days.
October 5 three days after and the domestic flight AOM opportunity aimed at the hotel of the 50km beyond which borrowed compact Fiat  of compact size to the Toulon airport 450km southeast at the window of the HEAT rental car after arrival, and had AGS introduction straight to it from Paris in Paris. Although it was the place at which it should arrive if it is original and is also for 1 hour, after about 40km wavered first around an airport, past [ after 2 hours and a half / 5:00 p.m. ] arrived at the town of the rucksack which arrives at the interchange of an auto route at last, and has a hotel. Unluckily, as for the weather, bad, the hit was dark quickly, and the schedule of the preliminary inspection of tomorrow's planned course stopped, finished the meal, and went into the bed around 10:00 the beginning.
Although it occurs early in the morning today, and it rides on a domestic flight, and it sleeps immediately since it was movement by rental car, and one day which does not get used to become, it does not stick to sleep easily. however, one's spectacle -- when .. was imagined, it became impossible to sleep increasingly [ who grasps tomorrow's steering of F1 on the contrary / efforts to close an eye and sleep ] In the meantime, thunder was echoed with intense rain. It had passed over 2:00 a.m. which look at a clock and which will be rich. Tomorrow's course became anxious with whether it becomes wet. Surely, if you have not heard the mind currently prepared, and only this is strong and it rains from .. and the climate of Europe, 5 - 6 hours after, it will become in many cases fine, and it is in expecting recovery of the weather , such as REIN tire etc. .. While carrying out, it said sleep.

The day which came at last and which F1 drives

2 - 3-hour place -- when it slept or had noticed, it was in 6:00 in the morning of October 6 Worried rain is illegal fine. Since preliminary inspection the previous day was not made, still, the neighborhood made beginning preparations dark inside and left the hotel aiming at AGSF1. It was still already at 8:00 of a meeting time, and arrived at 7:00. If it is waiting in the car, Porsche and the sport[ BMW and ]-like car will have gathered with the exhaust sound which rode on the rhythm. It seems to be the member of F1 drive participation today. Registration time came. My F1 drive courses are F3, 25 laps, and F1 and 15 laps. It showed around after that at the locker room.
It is entering a name, although a helmet, a glove, wear, shoes, and the face mask are prepared and it is a disposable piece-of-Velcro-type type moreover at wear as size connection had been carried out in advance than Japan. A supervisor speaks in the place which finished spare clothing, and I had guided the factory . Although there was nothing up to a carbon booth, as race activity was carried out completely till yesterday, in a wall, spare cowling of F1 is shirring and a press again.. The work instrument was located in a line and F1, F3, and C car were tidily located in a line. It treated itself to the commemorative photo in front of the number 5 which is F1 which obtains comprehension and I drive today.

It showed around in the place in which the attendance student gathered at briefing room, and introduction of today's participating driver started first. France Two persons Germany Five persons, Poland They were two persons and a total of ten persons of mine who are Japanese of participation for the first time.

First of all, it is from F3

Then, operation of the fundamental performance of the Opel Lotus F3 driven during the morning and a cockpit, course explanation of a rucksack circuit, and notes were received by briefing room. The feature of line  of the course given previously, a shift position, a braking point, and a corner etc. was explained again, having ridden on the van and carrying out a course 3 round with instructor's roux, after that. For rain last night, still, especially a road surface is in the state of a half sentiment, and the state of today's course condition had [ it being careful enough and driving and ] explanation. Moreover, it returned to briefing room and there was time of questions and answers.
Then, it was able to ask [ notes / having understood old explanation and ] for the sign each one about keep  responsibility. And it was also added that the accident at the time of having not followed notes and running notes did not withdraw insurance money. And it moved to the course for the F3 drive.

Five F3 was already prepared for the course side. The schedule which a drive is divided into two groups of every five persons, and is made into 10 rounds 15 round was told. The five remaining persons including 10 rounds and me took [ five persons ] 10 round first. Instructor received indication about each one of important matters, and the drive for every remaining 15 weeks started again. five sets started at the fixed interval -- it is also -- while running 15 round, the difference of speed is Since the partner also gathered speed as soon as I also caught up with the preceding car, I also raised the pace. two sets of ours -- a tail two -- it is the place which ran two laps in the state of nose, and the place out of which the maximum high speed of the last corner this side comes and which started being straight, and caught up with one set which is running the front
It became the organization naturally passed and became the organization which I also pass after the preceding car passes. It is safer to have not separated with the preceding car in such a state, but to pass together. The preceding car carried out the path start, will give up, and I will continue [ I will also be united and ]. The preceding car started extracting from a partner's left. I also continued. The preceding car was located in a line with the partner vehicle. The partner vehicle has visited the left then exactly. The former has noticed the act and was avoided on the left. The wheel and the wheel had only 5cm grade. A partner notices at last and slows down. Although the preceding car was good until it avoided it on the left, as it is, course out is carried out to left green, and it runs in it. In the intention which passes my body following the preceding car, and one side, the field of view had acquired the information on a dangerous occurrence simultaneously.
And I am beginning to pass and react from the right as for which the course was vacant. However, that time "this is not a race. If an accident occurs here, it cannot ride on F1 of an afternoon. Although a careless act does not remember that instructor's advice does not withdraw insurance money .." and necessarily not being judged calmly, I slowed down and stopped following the partner car which slowed down. The preceding car cannot finish reducing  speed which goes green straight on after that, and go to the last corner. Did the driver of the preceding car probably hurry the course return? As soon as it returned to the course, balance was broken down, the course was crossed, it went into the green by the side of opposite, the spin was carried out twice, and it stopped at last.
If I had passed the partner vehicle from the right, it had become the timing which collides with the preceding car exactly. "It was good." The drive was continued remainder 5 round and the run during the morning was finished.

The launch moved to the restaurant in a course side, surrounded a participant, a supervisor, and instructor, and rose by discussion of F3 run. After that, five persons of drive hope of only F3 returned, and five persons of F1 drive remained.

The F1 drive seen in the dream

Five persons of F1 drive group gathered for briefing room in the afternoon. The atmosphere in instructor and five persons' morning had changed suddenly. First, it is about the difference between F3 and F1.. It was given about Ford and V8.3 l., 650H.P., 6 th, operation of a clutch, and operation of a brake. That it is careful in order not to demonstrate braking power enough until especially a carbon brake has heat, and avoiding sudden braking from the beginning were told repeatedly. of course -- 5 of F3 -- prompt -- it changed to 6th of F1, the breaking point and shift position of each corner also changed, and a duty of 2nd was imposed again at the time of dispatch It was bewildered by the change of the head for a while for a short time.
Explanation is French and English and, of course, I have to understand in English. An understanding was completed somehow. And like F3, having carried out the sign of a degree-of-comprehension check, having got in the van, and listening to explanation of a shift, a brake, and a line, the course was carried out 2 round and it arrived at the pit. The weather was fine and the course had become dry condition from the half sentiment in the morning completely. After a while, with the explosion, three sets of AGSF(s)1 carried out course in, and they began the sun rise. the bottom of a blue sky in South France, and a tail two -- the scene which passes through a pit front by nose is just with Formula 1 race !
Whenever [ to which F1 passes through a pit ] "650H.P., 280km [ .. It became uneasy suddenly. ] .. It can drive directly sure enough.. A run at the pit running speed of a Formula 1 race scene is kana as hard as possible at most. the drive of F1 -- beforehand out of 3, 5, and 10 or 15 rounds -- the number of times of hope -- reserving --  almost all friends -- 3 - 5 rounds -- it is also -- only I was 15 rounds And one person drives at a time.

I was able to tell driving to the 2nd. The 1st and the 2nd I had [ it being called by the supervisor and fitting in a cockpit, and ] directions. It fitted in the cockpit, and first, the mechanic adjusted the sheet position and gave the seat belt of Sabert in total. And it equipped with the steering wheel. that is right -- this is F1 machine Preparation still continues. A mechanic makes F1 get mixed up, and I unite with a rhythm and am practice of shift operation. It repeated several times with 2-3-4-5-6th and 6-5-4-3-2nd. among those, it was alike and previous uneasiness was lost to somewhere The 1st driver has returned to the pit.
When it got down from the machine, the step was unsteady, and I watched calmly the face raised when he removed the helmet by the side glance. It is my course in still more.

From now on, 15 rounds is "F1 driver." A face mask is stuck, it is covered with a helmet, the glove in which the belt of a helmet is fastened is stuck, a neutral is checked, and visor is lowered. Breathing is stopped for a moment, a right arm is improved, and an index finger is lengthened. The switch of an air starter mechanically twisted at the moment was turned on on, and fire went into engine simultaneously with a cranking. Racing is carried out about 5 times. F1 sound plays. It shifts to 2nd with the both hands with which a clutch is cut. And according to directions of instructor, accelerator treading-in rotation was raised just like the violinist who performs according to the conductor of orchestra. Only only 3mm of clutch meat points which are not was looked for.
The machine departed so smoothly that it is not believed, and made the pit load behind. 5 rounds of the beginning escaped also from the corner from which devotes in a worm run and it can escape by 6th by 5th, and drove the line, the brake, and the shift in the body. At the moment of having escaped from the last corner and going into 6 lap eye, it put on its rhythm. Whenever it piles up a lap, power (Ford V8, 3l., and 650H.P.) has played F1 sound from the back of a sheet. It is just Heaven.
It is the world which it escapes from a stand front by 5th, one corner is dropped on 3th, and it escapes from a corner by 3thonly of a right turn and breaking, it accelerates, is before penetration 4 corner penetration only of a  breaking at S corner at 4th, escapes from 4-5th, acceleration, and 5 corner by 5th after that to 3 th, goes into the back straight of the last corner this side, is born to 5th by full throttle, 6th-- It amounts to 280km for a moment. The last corner is imminent in an instant. It drops and escapes to 6-5-4-3th. A shift rise is carried out with 3-4-5th after that, and it passes through a stand front by 5th full throttle. Whenever it repeated the circumference, himself who is running rhythmically was seen. The sign of a run end came out from the pit. It passed 15 round in the twinkling of an eye.
It left the thought which has not run enough still more, and cooling-down of the last 1 round was carried out, and it was driven. Completely, F1 driver did the race end and feeling which is carrying out the winning run was enjoyed fully. A neutral and ignition were turned OFF, and it ran the pit load calmly from habit, returned to the pit, and stopped calmly. The mechanic removed the belt, and I removed the steering wheel, got down from the machine, and took the helmet and the mask. It was able to ask for a "perfect game" and handshaking from instructor at the moment. It became the end of "realization of dream" F1 drive.

Moreover, I want to ride.

It gathered in the briefing room after F1 drive run. From Director Jean Lewis Poe, hands were shaken by handing a run certificate and a commemorative photo, receiving comment in five persons who drove F1 about driving, respectively. Finally a toast was given with champagne with all staff, and it became in the end of "RACING DRIVER FOR A DAY."





Moreover, it rides on F1

The days which do not settle in not passing yet half a year, either continue. That F1 drive scene was remembered and the F1 drive was planned again. We decided to participate in "RACING DRIVER FOR A DAY" which takes contact on the AGS team instantly and is held on July 5 (1999).It introduces as a report (2).

When it becomes the second time unlike last time, the point is also understood and there are quite few worries. After passing the 50th birthday in Paris. In quest of the ticket of the Toulon airport going, it shows up in the Boeing at the Orly South airport of a domestic flight, and is 1-hour and half back arrival. It was asked [ whether "whether reservation to have been carried out" from the person in charge, and ] when it told borrowing the same compact car as last time aiming at a Hertz rental car window instantly. a thing that there are not a place which naturally answered "although there is no reservation ..", and a car now lent for the season of a vacation It was absent-minded. And it carried out to Budget at the next window. When asked having the uneasiness which says a rental car if there are no loans, "O.K." and the reply came. You also recommend you a planned trip.

Ford who did the hotel finger instantly and borrowed, and KA aimed at the town of a rucksack straight. on the way -- although its way was lost about twice, while it has a margin to look at a surrounding vineyard -- 1 hour -- just for a moment -- coming out -- a hotel -- arrival 2 hours and a half which started last time would be what. When visiting once well also at home in 1, at least it wavers. For stay since before half a year, madam remembers and greeted pleasantly. Since the time which did not need the preliminary inspection of tomorrow's course this time, either, and arrived was also early, a walk was taken in the yard of a hotel. Except that the yard has two buildings and pool of the main building of a hotel-cum-a restaurant, and a cottage hotel in 7000, the surroundings are a place called a wood. He walked along the alley, enjoying chirping of a green scent and a bird fully.
The place which can pass a vacation if it is staying for a while as it is. I am the free traveler of one night today. If it does not ride on F1, of course, it becomes the calculation which can be passed for the time being. It is a place to already come slowly at once in a lifetime.

F1 drive that day

Sleep was able to be taken enough yesterday. this [ which drinks a vitamin compound / which was mistaken ] which settles down, comes out of a bed, puts on jeans, and washes a face, which brushes its teeth, which shaves a mustache is cold medicine -- if this unsavory medicine is taken 3 times per day, medicine will be effective for 6 hours Supposing it is 6:00 now, it will be effective during the morning. F3 in the morning is not done carefully -- if It is in order that the last F1 drive may become such an end. Was perfect until now.  I will forget this which will be passed lightly .. Breakfast is taken on the terrace of a hotel. 
In fact, it is it is necessary why to go out early so much and that madam reaches in 15 minutes up to a circuit although breakfast was refused for F1 drive that day. The face which seems to be wonderful was carried out and a meal is taken forcibly. The menu of a meal is the homemade jam and
a cafe au lait, besides madam homemade to French bread, of course, orange juice, and milk. Very much , the meal taken in the wind of South Provence .

It arrives at a circuit.

Ford KA was driven about 20 minutes from the hotel, and introduction of a greeting and the Patrick GA yell of today's instructor was received in Marian on an arrival receptionist in the rucksack circuit. It is a thing with a taking-charge [ although Director Lu originally does / as F1 instructor ]-on vacation thing since he is absent. Moreover, it is an all the members French object this time, and is a thing that Patrick is English about explanation at me specially. It spoke to the France people so that it might gather to a briefing room for explanation of F3. With Patrick, I will be guided in Director Lu's private room, and will be given by man to man.
The meaning which Marian of a receptionist said and which was said for you to be "lucky" was understood at last. Things receiving direct explanation from former F1 driver .. It is the flow with which uses as a board first in a front [ figure / course / of a look ], and describes about the contents of a run of F3, and notes, and Patrick supplements about it. It was carried out following the occasion also about F1. It chatted by presenting 1l. Volvic and a croissant after that. The Le Mans company let Patrick in Japan hear about having participated in F2, and it having been former F1 pilot in 1978.
becoming 1977 age F1 racer, though regrettable -- giving up -- the persons concerned and all information -- it was not interested in the domestic motor sports , and there was no knowledge However, it was very lucky about being given by Patrick, former F1 pilot, by man to man. It went to the course by the minivan after explanation, and was given [ of the important matter on a run of F3 and F1 ]. It waited for the France people which received explanation of F3 after that in the pit. After a while, all the members gathered in the pit, separated in two groups like last time, drove with 10 rounds and 15 rounds, and became lunch.
  Patrick Gaillard-- 78 years -- the [ F2 champion series ] -- record of the 4th place by Chevron, Aeroflot, (Le Mans company) in the Suzuka great 20 driver's race and 79 years went back the person who left the results of the 13th place in F1 run Britain GP by Ensain , and it knew by the Internet

The 2nd F1 drive

Mechanics' F1 dance of warming-up starts as well as last time, and the beat of my breast began to increase. I was nominated as the first driver in the member, I was settled in the cockpit, raised the right hand after a preparation end, lengthened the index finger and rotated. The mechanism turned on the starter switch and 3l. of F1 sounds was sounded after [ V6 ] the cranking. After 3 times racing, with both hands, it shifts to 2 and a clutch meat is carried out. An engine stole is failed and carried out. It seems that gas has been made to wear somehow although tried again calmly. The gas by which the mechanism removed and wore cowl was removed. Cylinders are exchanged and it tries again. The engine started.
It is carefully shortly.. A meat point is looked for by the left leg so that rotation may not be raised too much. It is start. One corner which carried out the course in of the pit to behind smoothly takes a line almost straight S characters the surroundings by the half throttle at 3th with 2nd, and drops it on 4th in the next left corner this side at 3th, and after penetration and passage is accelerated, and it escapes from a full breaking in the next right corner this side, it escapes ,speedy from 4, 5th, a shift up, and a high-speed corner at a corner, and they are 6th and It slows down in an quikly with  6, 5, and 4, 3th for last corner, and a breaking, and passage and one corner are 3th in acceleration and 5th  to the grandstand after corner escape .. The feeling in front of half a year returns, and it began to become good touch.
There are directions of pit in in the place it ran 7th round, it went into the pit, and advice was received. If the Breaking of the last corner this side is sweet If braking U is sweet in the place which carries out sudden braking after gathering the maximum high speed and it a little, you have to carry out the cornering of here exceeding a limit. When turned round, there was the time dangerous 1 or twice. If the operation at the time of a brake is not not heel heel and toe but toe and heel  with a problem and instruction as the solution method, it is a thing that the treading strength at the time of braking is insufficient. The pit was made into behind and the 8 remaining rounds were driven. And the F1 drive of 15 rounds finished. It returned to the pit, the last reverberation was impressed in the body, and it got down from the cockpit.

The F1 drive which is not made into the last

It turns round and there is no result of an engine stole in a conviction line as itself. I will form a plan to drive F1 once  again.





The decision of the 3rd F1 drive

 It is decision when the 2nd drive finishes last year. It fails in only 5mm clutch meat at the time of the start of F1 drive, and is an engine stole. GAS is made to wear and it has been made to remove to rearcowl by a mekanick by failure of accelerator work which acts as a cranking again. It was the start which is not satisfactory. Moreover, I will drive.
Finish an application to AGS at the beginning of this year. Connection of the drive schedule on August 4 was received, and the travel plan for France was formed instantly.
This time, for the vacation midst of France, although it was used, the ticket and rental car of a domestic flight finished reservation in Japan.

It leaves for the trip of the 3rd F1 driving.

It arrives in Paris Ch. de Gaulle Airport as planned. Wine was drunk safely in the hotel and the plan on the 3day  to domestic movement of F1 driving was formed in Paris. worship of the monument of a Levassor which rides on the balloon which it has also in the Andre Citroen park in tormer site Citroen factory which commemorated 2000, and the hunt of God's in the Renault showroom in Champs-Elysees -- it goes to MICHLIN too and goods are seen

For three days of Paris

Except the Renault showroom (under modification) in Champs-Elysees, three days were passed as planned. It was the scene of a winners' platform where the barricade cello of F1 Hungary GP11 game is wailing, and TV program of Concorde plane crash investigation that was impressive. TV office called EUROSPORT of France was broadcast on the 3rd.

It is among an uncommon way until it reaches

up to as planned Orly Airport -- a taxi -- the domestic flight of AOM -- safely -- boarding and a TURON airport -- arriving -- a reserved compact rental car "Citroen" -- borrowing -- one way route A57
The 2nd time, although it was able to ride on the highway smoothly, if it notices, it will run not toward north but toward an east. A U-turn was made, and to the airport, it returned and was drawn.
the high-speed interchange exit which should regain the lost time -- the destination -- last-minute -- setting up -- a run
It is a toll road. First experience. Although it was good until it received the automatic ticket, it became anxious about what it pays and carries out at an exit.

The exit was not uninhabited but a woman. It feels relieved and is to a hotel. Tomorrow's weather is checked .After  it is goodnight slowly.

still more -- F1 -- he goes out for a team instantly.

It arrives 15 minutes before 8:00 a.m. set. It had changed considerably with last year. The main gate is reapplied and F3 lotus is a new car. The color ring of a machine is also renewed. The Patrick Gaillard   which carried out  of me by exclusive duty last year was residing permanently not from the extraordinary instructor of a vacation but from this year.
this participating member -- me -- except -- all -- 11 persons of ten French persons and  me -- it is .
An instruction is received from former F1 driver by man to man
It parted from other friends like last year, went to the course, and was given by Patrick. First, review of the thing last year. Memory has revived little by little. When a full brake and here had a full braking's small treading strength the More More throttle and last year, received indication from 5th and here here. It appeals against its weak point, and memory is called and sent.
 F3 is taken and a shift feeling is confirmed.
 If it is running, friends would end the lesson of F3 and will have returned to the course.
F3 driving in the morning. It is beginning of 25 rounds of courses.

First of all, the body is accustomed by F3..

 In two vans, and instructor gives explanation of a shift point, a brake point, line, and an accelerator work 3 rounds of courses, and is given, and it is reconfirmation of a lesson. Lotus Opel F3 is taken after that [ each one of ], and practice of a shift work and the check of pedal operation are carried out. (Already, from Patrick, since finishing [ initiation by man to man ], I wait in a pit)
It is divided into two groups and, first of all, is 10 rounds. However, there were directions which are in front of a pit and which are dropped to 5 prompt 2nd
to serve also as practice of heel and toe if straight. Although it ran by 5th full thlottle in front of the pit last year, it had become the contents of racing school-from this year.
It gathered in the bottom of the parasol of the trailer side for every after [ a run ] group, remained according to the individual in response to the comment of F3 driving, and prepared for 15 rounds.
called "Tresbien" or a group about my comment, and one of participants came also out of joke, saying "Whether I have Thomas become instructor." (It is natural.) Since I am the 3rd try ..
It is the try of remaining 15 rounds. As for the driver which is possible also for passing the remaining run of 15 rounds if  [ in a straight ] are the appointed sections when there is nothing and it catches up with all cars to the usual run, of course, and is passed, the blue flag of a course member is also shaken.
The drive of 180H.P. and 350KG of F3 was enjoyed fully.

Lunch is a restaurant in a circuit and is a Viking

During the morning, families gathered in succession and, as for a certain man who becomes a launch although the companion of a driver was only the family who participated with the camper, the friend became a launch around 30 persons after all again. Provence and a master are the touch which the man of the plan of such a vacation also requires for a break by one day F1 drive. Instructor was surrounded and it rose by discussion of the session in the morning.






 -- the participant in except gathered for briefing room, and was given by Richard, sub instructor, and, as for me and the guy yell, the instruction of man to man  started under the parasol of the trailer in front of a pit
First, a shift position is reviewed. The shift position differed from the time of last F1 run this time. Although 6th full thlottle
and the full breaking, and the last corner were risen by 3th with the straight of the last corner this side for a moment, the straight in front of a pit was dropped on 5 at passage 3 and it was advancing into one corner in this course until now, even when it was straight in front of the pit, there was [ putting into 6 , and ] explanation. The places put into 6th through this course increased in number by one place, and turned into two places.
A wagon vehicle is taken by two persons in the place, and it is course in. [ the treatment of the rotation accompanying
line and a shift down and ] [ the leg at the time of a full breaking and ] [ of a pedal ] [ position-related ]
3th, more---more--throttle, 4th, brake, half throttle, brake, 3th, this line, brake, non throttle, 4th, 5th, half throttle, , and full throttle 6th, a full brake, 6-5-4-3th, more throttle ,this point is more--throttle, 4-5-6th.
Gaillard explained previous explanation, running a course. About 5 rounds was taken, and to the question of "whether to have understood", I answered it as "O.K.. undershirt stand", did course out, and waited for unification with other members.
After a while, the friends who finished the instruction from Richard and did course
in to the course on a set and two wagon vehicles, and were given like me.

F1 course in

Three sets of AGS F1 are course in from the garage of the last corner side. The warm up started more mechanically. while warming a tire by the straight in front of a pit first and leaving the dance back to a course -- passage and next time -- four sets -- although it is a warm upping -- tell to -- nose -- F1 sound -- sounding -- passage -- it is wonderful About 4 rounds was taken, and it returned and aligned on the pit load.

In cockpit,A participant chooses F1 drive from 3 rounds to 15 rounds, and course in is one set at a time. I wish 15 rounds in almost all participants always having much 3 round, and those who wish 5 round being rare each time. This time is also 15 rounds. I am the 4th. There were directions so that four persons might ride on F1.
I am AGS F1 number 6. It becomes a squat from the state which rose on the sheet on the sheet about a right leg and a left leg first, and both hands are supported by the monocoque of both the sides of a cockpit. While lengthening both legs and bending an elbow little by little The body is restored to a sheet. After that, mechanic equips a seat belt with a steering in total, and is a mechanic and the last arrangement.
"Although Thomas wishes the F1 drive 15 round, what run schedule is he?"
Although the eye had pit in, and eight weeks and directions in seven weeks from the mechanic for the 2nd year for the 1st year ..
While I have the uneasiness of physical strength, of course
It answered "It is 15 rounds at a stretch."
If it carries out
"When a trouble meets in the middle of O.K., carry out pit in by your judgment."
It is the first 15-round breath riding.

Start engine

A mechanic pushes a machine to a start position, hands a mask first, and is covered with a helmet. And it handed with the glove of a right hand and a left hand.
And the parasol was very given to directions of the start O.K. of the cherry of the woman of mechanical apprenticeship of a guy yell.
it is not a race -- be alike and carry out -- F1 pilot's (professional) start atmosphere -- enough
Directions of a start came out.
A right hand is lengthened, the point of an index finger is stood, and a circle is drawn small.
A mechanic opens the cork of an air cylinder.
A starter turns.
A 650H.P. motor turns after a cranking.
Racing is carried out 3 times and rotation is kept constant.

Course in

Directions of course in came from Gaillard.
Rotation is raised. It shifts to 2
It departs exploring the meat point of only 5mm carbon clutch. Course in was able to be carried out without carrying out a stole.
Although F1 is running 75 round by F3 and this course is running 100 round by 30 rounds, 3 rounds is carefully first.
It is a
warm up, checking today's [ memory one year ago and ] contents of an instruction. As for the inside of this point and a corner ring, 4 and a brake review the shift position of the following cornering, a brake point, and a throttle work in the head here 3th and here.
The disk also got warm.
Its own body became some parts of a machine.


A higher sound,
It puts into 6
th. An uneasy feeling is suppressed [ whether sudden braking can be carried out in the last corner this side, and ], and it is to throttle full open and the fastest pilot in the ground...
The standup from the last corner opens a throttle slowly, without getting not impatient. Otherwise, control is lost. They are 3, 5, 5, 6
th, and a shift rise to the straight in front of a pit.
As the conductor has appealed to the player as the expression of a face, in "score, directions of the preceding page are received as " so that it may flow more smoothly, without cutting sound here.
Right [ that ], its tune which meets.
By gesture, a breaking's sweetness is pointed out from Richard who is in the last corner point.
The pit sign of remaining 5 rounds came out.
Under the empty of summer of Provence. AGS F1 which drives a scorching course began light harmony in kana.
It is the same line early much more correctly.
It is wonderful.
It ran slowly, carrying out cooling-down of the last 1 round, and this satisfaction was firmly stopped to memory, looking at the scenery of a course.
It was 15 rounds of an instant. It goes into a pit load, it is made neutral, a throttle is opened, and it is racing. The motor was stopped. The machine stopped in front of the pit calmly. I have a belt removed mechanically. It was able to get down from the machine, without the body being unsteady. He removed the glove, and removed the helmet and the mask was taken.
All members gathered and it was exposed to applause.


At the last

There is also no accident and it is a participant's F1 driving end. It returned to the factory, and after seeing F1, F3, and the maintenanse seen of Le man car, it gathered in the briefing room.
As for the last, instructor's Richard, cherries, and participating members including Patrick give a toast with champagne together. The satisfaction which mixed instructor and the participant and enjoyed the F1 drive fully was checked.
After a while, Patrick called the name of "Thomas as for whom today when it participated in the 3rd F1 driving did best driving from Japan of the long distance East first", and me. Today's driving comment was received and F1 driving completion document was handed.
It participated this always thinking the last F1 driving, and became the 3rd time for three years. Moreover, the opportunity was made, even if it was not an every year, as long as it could run disagreeable 10 times 5 times 4 times, it thought that "A DAY OF F1 PILOT" would be continued and the team was made into behind.
